The Postgraduate Program in Applied Physics (PPGFA) at master's level, linked to the Department of Physics at UFRPE, was approved in August 2008 by CAPES. The program started its activities in March 2009, having its first class graduated in 2011. The first coordinator and one of the creators of the program was professor Dr. Paulo Campos, who held the position between the years 2009 and 2010, followed by the professor Dr. Antônio Romaguera, from 2011 to 2013. During this period, the program underwent its first evaluation with Capes (triennium 2010 - 2012), being evaluated with concept 3. Between 2014 and 2015, the program was coordinated by the professor Dr. Ernande Barbosa. Between the years 2015 and 2017, the coordinator of the program is assumed by Professor Dra. Viviane Oliveira. In 2018, the program will be coordinated by Professor Dr. Anderson Barbosa. In March 2019, the PPGFA completed 10 years of operation, which were celebrated in a ceremony attended by the Vice-Rector of UFRPE, professor Dr. Marcelo Brito Carneiro Leão, former faculty members and former students. Since the beginning of the course, in 2009, until the end of 2019, a total of 81 masters have been graduated in the PPGFA. Of the total graduates, currently 3 are professors at federal universities, 20 are professors at Federal Institutes and 47 are pursuing doctorates at universities in Brazil and abroad in the areas of physics, materials science, engineering and biometrics.

CAPES Concept and Scholarships
The Program currently has Capes Concept 3 and receives scholarships from CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and FACEPE (Foundation for the Support of Science and Technology of the State of Pernambuco),

Program Objectives
The Graduate Program in Applied Physics at the Master's level, aims to:

Train qualified human resources, develop research and deepen technical and scientific studies related to Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science;
Provide the qualification of professionals through technological development studies of Preparation and Characterization of Materials and Theoretical and Computational Physics;
Encourage the participation of professionals in the Program, from different areas of knowledge, but who have affinity or interest in technological development of Preparation and Characterization of Materials and Theoretical and Computational Physics in a broad way;
Provide the student with the possibility of expanding their knowledge in the search for positive actions aimed at the development in science and technology of Physics;
Establish partnerships with the industrial productive sector, so that the University effectively contributes to regional development through the generation of new knowledge through innovation in solving problems of socio-economic interest.